Anulom Vilom

Balances nasal airflow: Helps open blocked nostrils and improve sinus drainage by regulating breath flow through both nostrils. Reduces inflammation and stress: Promotes relaxation, reducing stress-induced sinus flare-ups and enhancing immune function to fight infections.


Clears nasal congestion: The rapid exhalations help expel mucus, toxins, and allergens from the nasal passages, reducing sinus blockages. Improves oxygen circulation: Enhances blood flow to the brain and sinuses, promoting faster healing and reducing inflammation.

Cobra Pose

Stimulates sinus drainage: The upward arching of the chest encourages blood flow to the head, promoting drainage and relief from sinus congestion. Opens the chest: Expands the lungs and chest, allowing deeper breaths which may help in clearing nasal passages.

Camel Pose

Relieves pressure on the sinuses: The backward bending of the body helps open the chest and throat, relieving sinus pressure. Improves circulation to the face and head: Increases blood flow to the head, which can help alleviate sinus congestion.



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Child Pose

Calms the nervous system: Helps reduce stress and tension, which can exacerbate sinus issues. Promotes drainage: The forward fold encourages fluid drainage from the head, aiding in clearing blocked sinuses.

Bridge Pose

Opens the chest and sinuses: Lifting the chest opens the upper body, promoting better airflow through the sinuses. Stimulates circulation to the head: The pose enhances blood flow to the face and head, supporting sinus function.

Downward Dog Pose

Increases blood flow to the sinuses: The inversion helps encourage blood flow to the head, promoting sinus drainage. Relieves congestion: The pose helps open the nasal passages and reduce the feeling of stuffiness.