We all look for a good and relaxing thing to go to after a long and tiring day. Something that restores the body and relieves stress. But what is that ‘something’?
What if we tell you the ‘something’ we are talking about is hidden in yoga? Yes, they are the supta asanas of yoga that will give your body much-needed stretch and relaxation.

Not sure of what asanas to perform and how? Don’t worry! We have done the job for you. Here are 5 amazing supta asanas that will do wonders for your body.
So, without any further ado, let’s get started.
What is supta yoga?
There are four kinds of yoga asanas – Standing, Sleeping, sitting, and inversion. The supta asana belongs to the category of sleeping.
Supta asana is one of the most popular and convenient yoga practices that help in rejuvenating the mind and body effectively. It is supposed to be practiced 15-20 minutes before going to bed. You can also include supta asana in later part of your daily yoga classes.
Supta asana is a great tool for relaxation and stress reduction because the poses are performed in a lying-down position. The benefits of supta yoga include improved sleep, reduced anxiety and stress, enhanced relaxation, and better restorative quality of sleep.

Benefits of Supta asanas
Each of the Yoga asanas has some benefits to offer to you. For example, there are some yoga asanas that help you lose weight while others help you relieve your stress.
Then we have yoga asanas that are good for senior citizens or maybe teenagers. Whatever the case is, you can always find a yoga asana for you.
Don’t worry if you are confused about what could be the right yoga asana for you because Yog4lyf has already sorted it for you. Check out our app to see different categories of yoga asanas that can be suitable for you or your family according to the health needs.

Let us go through the benefits of supta asanas:
Improved sleep
Supta asanas are known to improve the quality of sleep by reducing stress and anxiety. When you feel less anxious and more relaxed, you’ll also notice that it’s easier to fall asleep and stay asleep longer.
Strengthened immunity
Supta asanas have been known to have positive effects on the immune system, particularly increasing the activity of killer cells and white blood cells. This is important because it means your body will be able to fight infection better and recover more quickly when you’re sick.
Improved focus
Yoga is known to be an effective technique for improving focus, and supta asanas are no different. When practiced regularly, these poses can enhance your focusing and retention habits.
Now, let us have a look at the 5 best supta asanas for complete health benefits.
5 best supta asanas for complete health benefits
1. Supta Vajarasana
Supta vajrasana, also known as the supine vajra pose, is an inverted yoga pose that is performed in shavasana. It is a restorative pose, practiced at the end of a yoga session to promote relaxation, calm the nervous system and strengthen the lower body.
Step-by-step guide to doing Supta vajrasana
- Start with the Vajrasana pose and then slowly bend your back towards the ground. Place your right elbow and forearms on the floor. Repeat the same process on the other side.
- Using your arms support, lower the crown of your head on the floor. While doing so, arch the back upwards.
- Ensure that your hands rest on the sides. Try to balance your body while staying in this pose.
- Relax and take a few deep breaths.
- To come out of the pose, take support of your arms and elbows and raise the body back to the starting position.
- Now, relax in vajrasana.
Supta vajrasana can also be practiced as a transition pose between a restorative pose and a standing pose, such as after a long shavasana session.

- The vajrasana has many benefits, including improved digestion, better blood circulation, and stronger legs and feet.
- This pose also has many mental health benefits, including reduced stress, anxiety, and insomnia. This pose improves digestion by increasing blood flow to the abdominal organs, which helps these organs function more efficiently.
- This pose also reduces insomnia and stress, which can help improve sleep quality and reduce feelings of anxiety. These benefits can be achieved by practicing supta vajrasana regularly.
- Before you attempt this pose, it is important to be aware of the contraindications. These include any kind of knee or ankle injury, pregnant women, and people with high blood pressure or heart disease.
- If you have never done this pose before, it is important to start with a modified variation.
- Avoid attempting this pose with a full leg crossing until you’ve had plenty of practice.
2. Supta Udarakarshan
This is both a warm-up pose as well as a restorative pose. During the pose, your whole torso gets stretched removing the stress and tension caused in the upper body from the day’s work.
Let us move on to the steps of this asana.

Step-by-step guide to doing Supt Udarkarshan
- Lie on your yoga mat with your back straight. keep your legs together.
- Ensure that you keep your knees and feet together throughout the pose.
- Take 3 deep breaths and bend your knees while placing the sole of both feet in front of the buttocks.
- Interlock the fingers of both the hands and the palms under your head.
- Elbows must remain in contact with the floor.
- Inhale and slowly bring your legs towards the right side while trying to bring your knees down to the floor.
- The feet should remain together all the time.
- Now, turn your head and neck to the other side of the body. Remain in this position for 3-5 seconds
- Inhale and slowly get back to the starting position.
- Repeat the same process on the left side.
- Udarakarshan is an intermediate-level asana, which stretches and strengthens the upper body by working the core muscles.
- It improves focus, flexibility, and balance, while also increasing blood circulation to the abdominal organs.
- It also improves coordination and balance
- The only contraindication for performing this asana is a bad back. If you have been diagnosed with a lower back injury, avoid this asana.
- It is not necessary to stretch beyond your capacity or put an excessive strain on your body to get the benefits of this asana.
3. Supta Padangustasana
Since the pose is performed reclining on the floor holding the big toe with hand, hence the name.
It is a supine variation of Padangusthasana (Big toe pose). Supt Padangustasana is an amazing pose for opening legs and pelvic muscles.
If your body is asking for a good stretch, bring out your yoga mat and start performing this pose.

Step-by-step guide to doing Supta Padangustasana
- Lie on your back with your legs extended.
- Exhale and draw the knees closer to your chest, loop a strap around the arch of your right foot. You can also hook your first two fingers around the toe.
- Extend the right leg up to the ceiling and straighten your arms.
- Extend through the right heel creating a comfortable stretch in your hamstrings.
- Stay in this position for 3-5 seconds and then bring down the right leg towards the floor. Keep the left hip grounded. Stay like this for 3-5 seconds more.
- Repeat on the other side.
- This yoga pose is known to relieve lower back pain and also activate the prostate gland.
- Apart from that, it also strengthens the knee joints and massages the digestive system.
- Did we tell you it gives your body the much-needed stretch?
- Avoid Supta Padangusthasana if you have any injury at the hamstrings or quadriceps.
- Avoid this pose in case of a shoulder injury as well.
4. Supta Baddha Konasana
Supta Baddha Konasana is great for opening up the pelvic region and improving circulation in the lower body. It should be performed in the morning, before breakfast. However, you can also perform this pose in the evenings while ensuring you keep a gap of three to five hours between the meal and the practice.
Step-by-step guide to doing Supta Baddha Konasana
- Start with Dandasana, with your legs extended in front of you. Bend your knees and draw the heels towards the pelvis.
- Press the soles together and try to drop your knees open to both sides.
- Lean backward and bring your elbows to the floor. Now, lower your back all the way to the floor.
- Gently shift your buttocks from side to side, adjusting your position such that your back lengthens along the floor.
- Draw your shoulder blades gently inward.
- Relax your buttocks and lengthen your tailbone towards the heels.
- Stay in this position for 1-10 minutes and let your body relax.

- This is a great restorative pose that relaxes your mind, body, and spirit. It is helpful for people with low blood pressure.
- It also reduces nervous tension and stress
- It gives relief from fatigue and insomnia.
The only contraindication for this posture is if you have knee or lower back pain. If this is the case, then you might want to avoid this posture because it can worsen knee pain and lower back pain.
5. Supta Matsyendrasana
The simplicity of this amazing supta asana is hidden in its usefulness. Being a restorative pose, it can become your go-to pose after a long tiring day. Read on to find out how you can perform this pose.

Step-by-step guide to doing Supta Matyserndra
- From a supine position, bend one knee and cross it outside of the opposite foot.
- To push down the bent knee towards the floor, use your hands.
- Keep both shoulders squared and rooted to the ground.
- Extend the opposite hand and gaze towards the hand.
- Stay in this position for 3-5 breathes.
- It stretches the back muscles and spine.
- Moreover, this pose also helps activate your abdominal muscles.
- If the knee is straightened, it stretches the hamstrings and strengthens the legs.
- If you have a bad back, do not perform this asana. Doing so will just make your back pain worse.
- If you have knee issues, or if you have recently undergone knee surgery, you can practice a seated twist instead.
- If you are pregnant, use bolsters below the knee while twisting the hips and ensure the fetus is not pressed too much.
If you are looking for some yoga poses that leave an amazing impact on your body, try these five supta asanas and see the magic yourself.
Download our app or visit our website to get going with your first yoga session.