Mohammed Abdullah



What is Balasana or the Child Pose? ‘bala’ = ‘child’ and ‘asana’ = ‘posture‘ Child’s Pose (Balasana) is yoga’s most important resting posture and it is a nice way to gently stretch various parts of your body. This is often the first pose taught to beginners. It is easy to follow and highly beneficial. If

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What is Makarasana or the Crocodile Pose? ‘Makara’ = ‘crocodile’ and ‘asana’ = ‘posture‘ Makarasana is a deeply restorative posture that is part of the Padma Sadhana sequence. Crocodile pose relaxes the entire nervous system and is an excellent posture to use in between back strengthening poses. It resembles the resting position of a crocodile, with

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Supt Kapotasana

What is Supt Kapotasana or the Reclining Pigeon Pose? supta = “supine” kapota = “pigeon” and asana = “pose” Are those tighter hips acting as hurdles to prevent you from stretching your hamstrings? Well, look no further! Supt Kapotasana or Reclining pigeon pose is all that you need to resolve your challenges. Supta kapotasana is a gentle supine posture which

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What is Tadasana or the Mountain Pose? ‘Tada’ = ‘mountain’ and ‘asana’ = ‘pose’ Though Tadasana (Mountain Pose) might seem simple, it is actually a deeply vital foundational pose for your yoga practice. It is considered the baseline for the many other standing poses in yoga, so correctly learning this posture is essential. The foundation

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