relaxing pose

Supta Udrakarshanasana

Supta Udrakarshanasana for a healthy spine

Practice Supta Udrakarshanasana for a healthy spine Supta means lying down or sleeping, Udara means abdomen, Akarshan means pull or stretch and Asana is a pose. You can do Supta Udarakarshanasana for a healthy spine and other benefits such as better digestion. The Supine Abdominal stretch pose or Supta Udrakarshanasana is an excellent pose to add both as a warmup pose and as

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pyramid pose

An easy guide to Pyramid Pose

What is Pyramid Pose or Parsvottanasana? “Parsva” — meaning “side” or “flank” ; “Ut” — meaning “intense” ; “Tan” — meaning “to stretch” ; “Asana” — meaning “pose” Pyramid pose or Parsvottanasana encourages balance, body awareness, and inspires confidence. Pyramid Pose is one of those poses where you can really see the results of consistent

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What is Balasana or the Child Pose? ‘bala’ = ‘child’ and ‘asana’ = ‘posture‘ Child’s Pose (Balasana) is yoga’s most important resting posture and it is a nice way to gently stretch various parts of your body. This is often the first pose taught to beginners. It is easy to follow and highly beneficial. If

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