Tips for Doing Salamba Sirsasana Correctly

When you get to a level where you can hold Vrksasana for 30 seconds and Urdhva Vrsisana for another 30 seconds, it is time to work on the more challenging asanas. Salamba Sirsasana or the supported headstand is one of them. If you are not used to practicing yoga and are new to this, it’s probably best to avoid attempting Salamba Sirsasana directly.

This asana helps boost blood circulation and also works on the digestive system. In this article, we will discuss the tips for doing Salamba Sirsasana correctly.

Tips for doing salamba sirsasana

If you have never attempted a headstand before and intend to start with Salamba Sirsasana, you are bound to fail at first. It is a good idea to start with more basic poses and gradually move towards the more challenging asanas.

Once you are ready to try the headstand, be sure to practice it under the supervision of an experienced yoga instructor. It is important to follow the correct method to avoid injury.

Let’s see how you can perform this pose.

Step-by-Step Instructions for Salamba Sirsasana

Tips for doing salamba sirsasana

Before attempting the headstand, ensure you are warmed up and your muscles are stretched out. Some yoga asanas suggested for warming up and stretching out the body include Pranayama, Ardha Navasana, and Fish Pose.

Once you are ready for the headstand, follow these steps:

  1. Get into the central-fold position. In this position, place your palms facing each other and your knees facing each other.
  2. Lift your hips and place your feet on the wall while keeping your head and palms on the floor. Make sure your feet are placed at least 6 inches away from the wall.
  3. Start leaning towards the wall, and once your head reaches the wall, place your palms on the floor.
  4. Place your knees as close to the wall as possible and push your hips towards the ceiling.
  5. Lift your feet off the wall until your legs are parallel to the floor. Keep your knees straight and your heels as close to your hips as possible.
  6. Hold the pose for 30 seconds to 1 minute and then slowly come down.

You can also find the detailed instructions and tips for doing salamba sirsasana in the following video by Yog4Lyf Yoga Instructor, Mr. Arsh:

How to Perform Salamba Sirsasana | Yoga for Balance | Yoga at Home | Yog4Lyf

Benefits of Salamba Sirsasana

Tips for doing salamba sirsasana

Wondering how this yoga pose benefits you? Let’s find it out:

  • Strengthens your core

    When you perform this pose, you completely rely on your core muscles to hold up your legs. PS: it can be a great pose to flaunt a strong core.

  • Reduces fluid buildup from legs

    During a headstand, any kind of buildup in the legs gets flushed out from your body, and relieves you from that uncomfortable feeling of swelling in legs.

  • Strengthens shoulders and arms

    During this pose, your arms and shoulders help to keep the pressure off from your head. Therefore, as a result, they get strengthened.

  • Improves digestion

    The blood flows to the digestive systems during this pose, thereby increasing the efficiency of nutrient absorption and digestion. 

  • You get a healthy scalp

    As the blood flow to your head and scalp increases, the nutrient and oxygen flow to the hair follicles also increases.

    PS: It’s a great pose if you want to build your upper body strength.


  • High blood pressure: If you have high blood pressure, practicing Salamba Sirsasana can cause an increase in blood pressure and increase the risks of a stroke.

  • Pregnant women: Pregnant women are advised not to practice Salamba Sirsasana as it can cause harm to the fetus and the mother.

  • Headache: If you have a headache, avoid practicing Salamba Sirsasana as it can intensify the headache.

  • Vertigo: If you suffer from vertigo, avoid practicing Salamba Sirsasana as it can increase the symptoms.

  • Migraine: People who suffer from migraine should avoid practicing Salamba Sirsasana as it can worsen the symptoms.


When practiced regularly, this asana reduces the effects of aging and gives you a youthful and vibrant look. It also helps you achieve mental clarity, focus, and a positive outlook on life.

When practiced under proper supervision and with the correct technique, Salamba Sirsasana is an excellent asana that can help you achieve many benefits. Follow the tips for doing salamba sirsasana mentioned above and see the magic happen.

Share with your friends and family to encourage them to do this helpful yoga pose.

Happy Yogaing!

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