The Ultimate Guide to Top 6 Fertility Yoga Platforms: Features, Pricing, & Value

The Ultimate Guide to Top 6 Fertility Yoga Platforms: Features, Pricing, & Value

In today’s wellness-driven era, fertility yoga has become an essential practice for women managing conditions like PCOS, PCOD, infertility, and…

Yoga for Postpartum Weight Loss: A Holistic Guide for New Mothers

Yoga for Postpartum Weight Loss: A Holistic Guide for New Mothers

Welcoming a baby into your life is an incredible journey, but it’s also one that comes with significant changes to…

Transform Your Fertility: Harness Yoga to Alleviate Stress & Boost Conception Success

Transform Your Fertility: Harness Yoga to Alleviate Stress & Boost Conception Success

Introduction: Why Mental Health Matters for Fertility Mental health is an integral part of fertility, as emotional well-being significantly influences…

Boosting IUI Success: The Role of Yoga in Enhancing IUI Chances

Boosting IUI Success: The Role of Yoga in Enhancing IUI Chances

Fertility challenges impact millions of people globally, causing emotional and physical strain. Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) is a widely-used assisted reproductive…

“SEPTEMBER” – The PCOS Awareness Month: Empowering Through Knowledge & Yoga

“SEPTEMBER” – The PCOS Awareness Month: Empowering Through Knowledge & Yoga

Introduction: Understanding PCOS and Its Impact September marks PCOS Awareness Month, a dedicated time to spread awareness about Polycystic Ovary…

How Yoga for IVF Can Enhance Success: A Comprehensive Guide

How Yoga for IVF Can Enhance Success: A Comprehensive Guide

Introduction In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a powerful and often life-changing option for couples struggling with infertility. However, the journey…

Unexplained Infertility and How Yoga Can Improve Fertility

Unexplained Infertility and How Yoga Can Improve Fertility

Understanding Unexplained Infertility Definition and Prevalence Unexplained infertility is a perplexing condition where couples struggle to conceive, even though all…

Yoga for Endometriosis: Reduce Pain & Enhance Fertility Naturally

Yoga for Endometriosis: Reduce Pain & Enhance Fertility Naturally

Introduction Endometriosis is a chronic and painful condition where tissue similar to the lining inside the uterus, grows outside the…

Yoga for Fibroids: A Guide to Relief and Management

Yoga for Fibroids: A Guide to Relief and Management

We will be discussing Yoga for Fibroids in this Blog. Fibroids, also known as uterine fibroids or leiomyomas, are benign…

Blocked Fallopian Tubes: How Yoga Can Enhance Fertility Naturally

Blocked Fallopian Tubes: How Yoga Can Enhance Fertility Naturally

Introduction : Blocked Fallopian Tubes Blocked fallopian tubes represent a significant challenge for many women facing fertility issues, often leading…

Fittr vs. HealthifyMe: A Comparison of Fitness and Nutrition Apps

Fittr vs. HealthifyMe: A Comparison of Fitness and Nutrition Apps

In today’s fitness world, comparing Fittr vs. HealthifyMe has become essential for users seeking top-notch fitness apps. Both Fittr and…

How Rupali Balances Daily Chores & Pressure Job with Yoga

How Rupali Balances Daily Chores & Pressure Job with Yoga

In this blog post, we would be discussing Rupali’s physical & mental health transformation journey. Rupali is from Mumbai and…

All You Need to Know About Suryanamaskar

All You Need to Know About Suryanamaskar

Suryanamaskar is an ancient Indian practice of physical and spiritual exercise that has been around for thousands of years. In…

Cat Pose at Home – the right way

Cat Pose at Home – the right way

Yoga has been a popular form of exercise for centuries, offering a range of physical and mental benefits. One of…

Pigeon Pose: How to do it?

Pigeon Pose: How to do it?

Unlocking your inner strength is a powerful thing. The practice of yoga has been around for centuries, offering individuals the…

Yoga for PCOS

Yoga for PCOS

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a prevalent endocrine disorder impacting 1 in 10 women around the world. Those with this…

HealthifyMe vs – a detailed comparison

HealthifyMe vs – a detailed comparison

HealthifyMe vs – is it a question in your mind? We know they are a trend, especially amongst the…

Camel Pose: The ultimate guide

Camel Pose: The ultimate guide

The camel pose is a backbend and an advanced asana in the Hatha yoga tradition. It is also known as…

23 Yoga poses for 2023

23 Yoga poses for 2023

At the start of a fresh year, motivation is at its peak and is the ideal time to try something…

Yoga For Migraine: How To Find Relief With Yoga

Yoga For Migraine: How To Find Relief With Yoga

If you suffer from migraine headaches, you might be wondering what you can do to find relief from the pain…

Bridge Pose: Let’s do it the right way

Bridge Pose: Let’s do it the right way

Although many yoga poses may seem intimidating to those who are new to the practice, Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)…

Plow Pose: Let’s do it the right way

Plow Pose: Let’s do it the right way

Halasana (hah-LAHS-ah-nah) hala = plow Plow Pose is a yoga posture that involves inverting the body and stretching the back and…

15 Yoga Myths: Debunked

15 Yoga Myths: Debunked

Despite the fact that yoga has achieved great popularity all over the world, there are numerous preconceived ideas, misconceptions, and…

<strong>5 Tips to Help You Master the Frog Pose</strong>

5 Tips to Help You Master the Frog Pose

The frog pose might be easy to dismiss as a simple, beginner-level pose that doesn’t require much effort. After all,…

Eye yoga to get a better vision

Eye yoga to get a better vision

In the past, children would use their free time to play in the sand, stones and other outdoor activities. Now,…

6 Yoga Mudra For Weight Loss You Must Try!

6 Yoga Mudra For Weight Loss You Must Try!

There are many ways to stay fit and maintain a healthy body. If you have been trying to lose weight…

Boat Pose or Navasana: A Step-by-Step Guide

Boat Pose or Navasana: A Step-by-Step Guide

The boat pose is an intermediate yoga posture that strengthens the core and poses a challenge for anyone practicing it.…

Down Dog vs Daily Yoga – a detailed comparison

Down Dog vs Daily Yoga – a detailed comparison

Okay, we know why you are here. You want to read about Down Dog vs Daily Yoga app to see…

Morning drinks for weight loss

Morning drinks for weight loss

Losing weight is not easy. It requires careful planning and a great deal of willpower. And after the strenuous journey…

How to Do the Lion Pose: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Do the Lion Pose: A Step-by-Step Guide

The lion pose is one of the most popular poses in yoga. It’s also known by a variety of alternate…

The Right Way to Do Cobra Pose: A Guide to Getting It Right

The Right Way to Do Cobra Pose: A Guide to Getting It Right

The cobra pose is an advanced posture in hatha yoga. It’s not for the faint of heart, but with patience…

Best android yoga apps for weight loss

Best android yoga apps for weight loss

Do you love practicing yoga, but hate having to leave your home to do it? Do you find it challenging…

5 supta asanas for complete health benefits

We all look for a good and relaxing thing to go to after a long and tiring day. Something that…

What Is Vashisht Pranayama?

What Is Vashisht Pranayama?

Vashisht Pranayama is also known as the inverted breathing technique. It is one of the most fruitful pranayamas that not…

A Side by Side Comparison: Depression vs Anxiety

A Side by Side Comparison: Depression vs Anxiety

The human mind is a complex and mysterious thing. With so many different factors affecting it, it’s no wonder so…

How to do the Fish Pose easily?

How to do the Fish Pose easily?

The fish pose, also called matsyasana, is a great way to open up the chest and lungs. It’s also a…

10 Yoga instructors to learn from

10 Yoga instructors to learn from

It is an accepted as well as a proven thing now that Yoga is one one the best things to…

We analysed 55K online yoga users. Here is what we learnt about online Yoga users behaviour.

We analysed 55K online yoga users. Here is what we learnt about online Yoga users behaviour.

Recently Yog4Lyf: Yoga for Health app completed 50K Installs on Google play store. And our team decided to do an…

Tips for Doing Salamba Sirsasana Correctly

Tips for Doing Salamba Sirsasana Correctly

When you get to a level where you can hold Vrksasana for 30 seconds and Urdhva Vrsisana for another 30…

Malasana – A great stretch pose

Malasana – A great stretch pose

Malasana is also known as Garland Pose, or the Squat Pose. Malasana stretches the hamstrings and provides a great stretch…

Yoga asanas to reduce belly fat for beginners at home

Yoga asanas to reduce belly fat for beginners at home

You know that yoga is good for you. You’ve seen the Instagram photos of yogis with amazing bodies, and you…

बिगिनर्स के लिए योग टिप्स, जो योग यात्रा को बनायेगी आसान

बिगिनर्स के लिए योग टिप्स, जो योग यात्रा को बनायेगी आसान

इंटरनेट में योग और योग की टिप्स से भरे बहुत सारे आर्टिकल हैं, लेकिन बिगिनर्स के लिए योग टिप्स के…

Virasana: A Versatile Yoga Pose

Virasana: A Versatile Yoga Pose

When you think about it, the word “vira” can mean a lot of things. It can be a superhero or…

Best yoga poses to reduce high blood pressure

Best yoga poses to reduce high blood pressure

High blood pressure or hypertension is a serious medical condition. It can lead to cardiovascular diseases, heart failure, and other…

Thread in the Needle Yoga Pose | Benefits

Thread in the Needle Yoga Pose | Benefits

The Thread in the Needle Yoga Pose is also known as Urdhva Mukha Pasasana. In this post, we will talk…

Agnistambhasana – perfect hip opener

Agnistambhasana – perfect hip opener

The Agnistambhasana is a perfect hip opener while giving your body the much needed stretch. So peeps, ready to give…

Sphinx Pose for your spine

Sphinx Pose for your spine

Hi guys, how are your yoga sessions going on? We are back with one another amazing pose called the Sphinx…

Utkata Konasana for leg strength

Utkata Konasana for leg strength

Hello friends, let’s talk about Utkata Konasana today that helps in building leg strength and will get you warm, toned,…

Cure constipation with Katichakrasana

Cure constipation with Katichakrasana

Hello friends, hope you are enjoying yoga with us. Today we will talk about Katichakrasana which is a go-to cure…

Tadagi Mudra for digestive issues

Tadagi Mudra for digestive issues

Hello friends, in the post we are going to learn Tadagi Mudra. Tadagi Mudra is one of best yogic kriyas…

Supta Udrakarshanasana for a healthy spine

Supta Udrakarshanasana for a healthy spine

Practice Supta Udrakarshanasana for a healthy spine Supta means lying down or sleeping, Udara means abdomen, Akarshan means pull or stretch and Asana is a pose. You…

Plank Pose for body strength

Plank Pose for body strength

Plank Pose for body strength | Introduction | Benefits The plank pose is also known as Kumbhakasana or Phalakasana. kumbhak means breath retention,…

An easy guide to Pyramid Pose

An easy guide to Pyramid Pose

What is Pyramid Pose or Parsvottanasana? “Parsva” — meaning “side” or “flank” ; “Ut” — meaning “intense” ; “Tan” —…

Bhramari Pranayama 

Bhramari Pranayama 

What is Bhramari Pranayama or the Bee Breathing pose? Bhramari = bee Bhramari is the Sanskrit word for “bee,” and this…

Parivrtta Sukhasana

Parivrtta Sukhasana

What is Parivrtta Sukhasana or the Easy Seated Twist Pose? Parivrtta = Twisted; Sukha  = easy; asana = posture Parivrtta Sukhasana or…

Warrior Pose 2

Warrior Pose 2

What is Virabhadrasana 2 or the Warrior Pose 2? Virabhadrasana 2 is the second in the series of the Virabhadrasana…



What is Paschimottanasana or the Seated Forward Bend Pose? Paschima =  west or the back of the body; Uttana =…



What is Balasana or the Child Pose? ‘bala’ = ‘child’ and ‘asana’ = ‘posture‘ Child’s Pose (Balasana) is yoga’s most…



What is Makarasana or the Crocodile Pose? ‘Makara’ = ‘crocodile’ and ‘asana’ = ‘posture‘ Makarasana is a deeply restorative posture that…

Supt Kapotasana

Supt Kapotasana

What is Supt Kapotasana or the Reclining Pigeon Pose? supta = “supine” kapota = “pigeon” and asana = “pose” Are those tighter hips acting…



What is Tadasana or the Mountain Pose? ‘Tada’ = ‘mountain’ and ‘asana’ = ‘pose’ Though Tadasana (Mountain Pose) might seem…

Chakki Chalanasana

Chakki Chalanasana

What is Chakki Chalanasana or the Mill Churning Pose? Chakki = Grinder, Chalana = to drive, Asana = Posture or Pose Chakki Chalanasana yoga posture…

Top Hollywood Celebs who Got Toned by Yoga

Celebrities have to do a lot to keep their physique in shape. From hitting the gym to cardio these hollywood…

Jathara Parivartanasana – Your Spine’s Friend

What is Jathara Parivartanasana? jathara = abdomen · parivartana = to completely revolve · asana = pose We can refer…

Baddha Konasana – The Best Hip Opener

Baddha Konasana – The Best Hip Opener

What is Baddha Konasana or the Butterfly Pose? Baddha = bound, Kona = angle, and Asana = pose Baddha Konasana…

Sasangasana – Focus Better

Sasangasana – Focus Better

What is Sasangasana or the Rabbit Pose? Sasanga = rabbit, asana = pose The name of Sasangasana is due to…

Yoga to eliminate Knee Pain

Yoga to eliminate Knee Pain

Suffering from Knee-pain is one of the most excruciating experiences humans go through. What was considered as a problem for…

Cure Migraine with help of Yoga

Cure Migraine with help of Yoga

When we hear the word Migraine, the first thing that pops up in our head is the throbbing pain and/or…

Cure Sinusitis with Yoga!

Cure Sinusitis with Yoga!

Hello and welcome to Yog4lyf, your one-stop solution for your entire Yoga dose. So today we will be discussing Sinusitis,…

Sleep Peacefully with Yoga Nidra

Sleep Peacefully with Yoga Nidra

Hello folks. I hope you are staying safe and at the best of your health while reading this. Today we…

Hypertension in control through YOGA!

Hypertension in control through YOGA!

Hope you all are staying safe. Tough times out there! So today, we will be discussing about Hypertension commonly known…

YOGA for Managing Diabetes!

YOGA for Managing Diabetes!

Hello friends, in this post we will learn various aspects of Yoga that we can include in our day to…

Yoga for good sleep and relaxation

You might remember a time when you had full control over your sleep; you could just drift off to sleep…

9 Yoga secrets to cure hair loss

9 Yoga secrets to cure hair loss

Hair is the first thing that people notice about you. The importance of healthy hair and a great hairstyle in…

Yoga for weight gain

Yoga for weight gain

You must be wondering, “How can someone gain weight from yoga”, right? Well, you’ve come to the right place and…

Chakrasana – Let’s get flexible

Chakrasana – Let’s get flexible

What is Chakrasana? chakra = wheel and asana = pose The Chakrasana, or the wheel pose, is so-called because the…

Virabhadrasana 1

Virabhadrasana 1

What is Virabhadrasana 1 or the Warrior 1 pose? Vira = Hero or Warrior or Vigorous and Courageous; Bhadra =…

Viparita Karani – Legs up the wall

Viparita Karani – Legs up the wall

What is Viparita Karani or Legs up the wall pose? Viparita – Inverted; Karani – Doing Tiring day at the…

Yoga for Menopause

Yoga for Menopause

Hello Ladies, We know being a woman is colorful and the journey of our body goes through a biological roller-coaster.…

Holistic Yoga Routine For Teenage Girls

Holistic Yoga Routine For Teenage Girls

Yoga has become one of the most popular health practices among teens. It is even so more beneficial for teenage…

Prenatal Yoga Routine for all 3 trimesters of Pregnancy

Prenatal Yoga Routine for all 3 trimesters of Pregnancy

Hello Beautiful Moms, this Prenatal Yoga for Pregnancy blog is specially made for you, to accompany you on your journey,…

Practice Yoga for your Mental Health amid the Pandemic of Covid 19!

Practice Yoga for your Mental Health amid the Pandemic of Covid 19!

Hello Friends, I know it is a tough phase in our lives, things have become so uncertain, many of us…

Slow and Gentle Yoga for Seniors (Old Age)

Slow and Gentle Yoga for Seniors (Old Age)

As we grow old, being mentally fit is equally important as being physically fit. Old age comes with multiple medical…

9 yoga poses for neck pain relief in 9 minutes!

9 yoga poses for neck pain relief in 9 minutes!

Are you looking for something which helps you feel better about the neck pain you have from the time you…

10 Yoga poses for quick BACK PAIN RELIEF!

10 Yoga poses for quick BACK PAIN RELIEF!

Have you tried everything for your back pain and still can’t find a longterm solution? Well, I am very sure…

Best 5 Breathing exercises (Pranayama) for stress and anxiety

Best 5 Breathing exercises (Pranayama) for stress and anxiety

Hello Friends, Today we are going to learn best 5 breathing exercises also known as pranayama for stress and anxiety.…

International Yoga Day with Yog4Lyf

International Yoga Day with Yog4Lyf

Hello Everyone, One of the most awaited day that I love to celebrate is International Yoga Day on 21st June.…

Yog4Lyf supports black lives matter #blacklivesmatter

Yog4Lyf supports black lives matter #blacklivesmatter

Hello Everyone, While the majority are fighting for their civil rights, some are trying to push it aside by claiming…

Meditation for Stress Relief

Meditation for Stress Relief

Stress and anxiety has spread like wildfire in todays society and its really hard to find a person who has…

Yoga Asana (poses) to Boost Immunity

Yoga Asana (poses) to Boost Immunity

Hello friends, in this post we will understand how yoga asana helps to boost immunity and which asanas shall be…

Yoga Pranayama (breathing) to boost immunity

Yoga Pranayama (breathing) to boost immunity

Hello friends, in this post we will learn the ancient yogic breathing techniques called pranayama and understand which pranayama are…

Yoga for Beginners

Yoga for Beginners

Hoping that you have gone through Introduction to yoga. I am assuming you gained basic knowledge about yoga. Many of…

Yoga for Your Physical and Mental Well-being

Yoga for Your Physical and Mental Well-being

Everyone is busy with barely enough time for a workout or a jog in the park to maintain physical fitness.…

Why Yoga Should Be Introduced in Schools

Why Yoga Should Be Introduced in Schools

Yoga should be introduced in every schools’ curriculum, starting right at the kindergarten level. A child is most impressionable at…

Yoga to keep Coronavirus at Bay.

Yoga to keep Coronavirus at Bay.

The world is yet to find a way to battle the rampaging Coronavirus. It takes time to develop a vaccine…



The majority of us are aware of the trend going around about yoga. Many celebrities promote yoga and share their…

Yoga- The Core to Build your Strength

Yoga- The Core to Build your Strength

For any workout or at the beginning of exercise, what comes up in our mind is to build strength. However,…

Desk Yoga | 10 Yoga poses you can try at your work

Desk Yoga | 10 Yoga poses you can try at your work

Are you too busy chasing that never-ending deadline, or making perpetual efforts to meet your sales target, or simply focussing…

Shirshasana – The Headstand Pose

Shirshasana – The Headstand Pose

What is Shirshasana? Shirsh = head and asana = posture Pronounced as: Shir-sh-asa-na Shirshasana is an asana that is done…



With our living conditions and changing world, one thing that is common, irrespective of age, everyone goes through that and…